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Installing Learn under Microsoft Windows

You need to install Docker and git.

When running under Windows, Docker depends upon the Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 (WSL2). This is available from Windows 10 onwards, but you may have to install it. It will only run on a machine with a 64-bit processor.

Installing WSL2

Microsoft's instructions (below) assume that you know how to run a command window in administrator mode. In the search box at the bottom of the screen, type cmd and press the enter key. In the window that appears, right-click on the black CMD icon and select Run in Administrator Mode.

That starts a DOS Command window. In there, type:

	wsl  --install

and press the enter key. (That's "wsl space hyphen hyphen install".)

For the record, Microsoft's instructions are here You only need to run the wsl command - don't bother with all the stuff about choosing distros etc.

Installing Docker

Follow these instructions . As explained there, Docker is free to use at home but large companies must pay a fee.

The instructions tell you to run some commands "in a terminal". That's your DOS command window.

Once Docker is installed, a Whale icon appears on your desktop. Double click on that to start the Docker engine. A window appears, which you can ignore. You just need the engine running.

Installing and running Git Bash

Install git bash using these instructions.

Run Git Bash from your Start menu. That starts another kind of command window, which you use to download the learn software.

Installing the Learn Software

Do this from your git bash window. You must get these commands exactly right, so copy and past them. To paste into a git bash window, right click anywhere in the window and use the Paste option in the menu that appears.

Download learn like so:

    git  clone  https://github.com/goblimey/learn-unix
That creates a directory called learn-unix containing the material.

Start another DOS command window. (This one doesn't need admin privilege so just type cmd in the search box at the bottom of the screen and double-click the black CMD icon.)

In that window, change to the learn-unix directory and build the software like so:

    cd  learn-unix

    docker  build  .  -t  learnunix
(That's docker space build space dot space hyphen t space learnunix.)

That last command will take a few minutes and display a running commentary. If all goes well, the last few lines should be something like:

    => => naming to docker.io/library/learnunix

    What's Next?
        View summary of image vulnerabilities and recommendation -> docker scout quickview

The first of those lines means that docker has built an image called learnunix The second line suggests that you run docker scout. That will show you any issues reported about any of the components that the image is built from. You may choose to not bother with that right now.

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