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Installing Learn on an Amazon E2 Instance

You need to install Docker and git.

installing git

installing Docker

If docker is installed but not active (started) this command will start it:

	sudo systemctl start docker

This should only be necessary once. When you reboot, Docker should start automatically.

Download learn like so:

    git  clone  https://github.com/goblimey/learn-unix
That creates a directory called learn-unix containing the learn software.

Change directory to learn-unix and build the software like so:

    cd  learn-unix

    docker  build  .  -t  learnunix
(That's docker space build space dot space hyphen t space learnunix.)

That last command will take a few minutes and display a running commentary. If all goes well, the last few lines should be something like:

    Successfully built 446990c342ad
    Successfully tagged learnunix:latest

The build was successful and produced a Docker image with ID 446990c342ad.

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